HR people are increasing creative with their terminology. Whereas you could expect to see the term Selection Criteria in most Job Description Forms (JDFs) we are now seeing other terms. Work Related Requirements is now used by some agencies, as is Core Capabilities.
Nothing has changed except the terminology. They all refer to the skills, experience and knowledge or qualifications that an applicant is required to prove in an application.
What is confusing is that some agencies are listing these under headings. One current position JDF has listed five headings and under each has listed several “capabilities”.
One example of Core Competencies
Individual Effectiveness
My client asked me if she should respond to the general heading Individual Effectiveness or to each of the four listed skills individually. Unfortunately there are no directions in the JDF to guide us here.
You could do either but you must give an example that demonstrates these skills rather than just claim you have them, or have used them successfully somewhere. In that example you would have to ensure that you cover all four of the skills required.
Personally I would go for four separate examples under the one main heading. Each one does not have to be long; perhaps five lines would be enough to say what you were doing it and how. The “how” includes how you used the required skill.
Remember these are stories about things that happened in the past so write it in the past tense. Don’t tell them that you always work that way. Give a specific example that proves it.
Remember – Selection Criteria, Work Related Requirements and Core Competencies are all the same thing.